Mount Olivet Cemetery, Maspeth, New York, New York, USA

Geographische Breite: 40.720272, Geographische Länge: -73.896669 | Hier klicken, um eine Wegbeschreibung zu bekommen nach Mount Olivet Cemetery

Mount Olivet Cemetery was incorporated in 1850 under the Rural Cemetery Association Act of 1847 as a nongovernmental supervision, non-religious and private non-sectarian cemetery. The original restriction of having mostly Espicopal Church services was repealed in 1851. The original land was acquired from George Fash (42 acres), and from the estate of James Waterbury (originally the property of Thomas Hallett). The later parcel, of 16 acres, was purchased in 1878 and gave the cemetery 360 feet of frontage on Grand Avenue. A later purchase resulted in today's total acreage of 71 acres.


 Vorschaubild Beschreibung Status Ort Name (Verstorben/begraben)

Lokalisiert  lot 1193, section L, grave 10  Heynan, Charlotte M. (gest. 10 Apr 1900)

Lokalisiert  lot 1193, section L, grave 9  Steup, Otto Christian Kaspar (gest. 13 Sep 1904)

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